Workshop « Clown Presence » 16 yo and +
Workshop « Clown Presence » 16 yo and +
Par des propositions simples qui mettent en confiance, détendent, amusent, stimulent, on réveille et on met en jeu son corps, sa voix, son imaginaire, ses émotions, son clown... sa présence :)
Le travail du clown offre une coupure du quotidien et touche profondément les domaines suivants : parole en public, développement personnel, gestion du stress, communication, coaching, éducation, … la vie !
Through simple propositions to create confidence, relaxation, joy, stimulation you will wake up and play with your body, your voice, your imagination, yours emotions, you clown... your presence :)
The work of the clown bring a time out from daily routines and touches deeply areas of public speaking, personal development, stressmangement, communication, coaching, education,... life !
Reference : WS Clown Presence – Mai 2025
When? Saturday, May 17 2025 from 13:00 to 19:00
+ Sunday, May 18 2025 from 10:00 to 16:00
For who? For young people and adults aged 16 and over (born before September 2008).
No level required. This course is open to everyone. :)
With who? Lola Feltz and Stephan Kinsch.
Where? Zaltimbanq’Zirkusschap
26, Avenue Pasteur
L-2310 Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)
To expect? An outfit that allows movement.
Multilanguage Clown workshop (L,Eng, Germ, French and Bodylanguage).
How much? 144 Euro ttc per person
No family discount
Social rate possible on request
Minimum 8 participants - Maximum 20 participants
A minimum and maximum number of participants are set, so don't delay in registering!